Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Coaches in NZ Rugby-what experience?

Ian Foster is bringing to a close his 8th season in charge of the hugely underperformed Chiefs.How on earth did this guy manage to get past more than 4 seasons of mediocrity?Hey,no doubting he is a good coach.But is 'good',good enough.Especially when the Waikato Union in particular can boast 2 massive achievers in Warren Gatland and John Mitchell.

This brings us to the point about the quality of Coaches here in New Zealand.Since when does being a good rugby player automatically make you a good coach?Since when do good rugby players get to jump the queue and demand plum coaching appointments ahead of aspirants who have done the 'hard yards'.?

Case in point number 1-Pat Lam.Great bloke,good Coach.But what 'hard yards' has he done?Has he coached at club level in NZ?Has he experienced the kid with no boots,the kid who misses training because of 'family committments',or the kid who cant pass off one hand or kick with his weak foot?From memory Pat Lam was in a player/coach role with Northampton in England.He was then thrust into an assistant coach role with Scotland then landed the plum role of Auckland head Coach.
Case in point number 2-Todd Blackadder.Great bloke,good Coach.But what 'hard yards' has he done?After playing in Scotland he quickly won promotion straight into an assistant Coach role with the Scottish National side.He was also an assistant forwards coach for Edinburgh.This extensive Coaching history won him the Director of Rugby job for Tasman and then the Tasman head Coach role,eventually leading to the Crusaders head coaching role.Wow,now THATS quick promotion!
Case in point number 2b and 2c-Mark Hammett and Daryl Gibson.NIL coaching experience!
Case in point number 3a and 3b-Jeff Wilson and Craig Dowd.(please see above,numbers 2b and 2c!!)
NIL coaching experience and now Dowd and Wilson have the North Harbour job.

Throw in the meteoric rises of the likes of Jamie Joseph and Alama Ieremia and we have to wonder what all the other coaches who do the yards and the coaching courses and who start off proving themselves at grassroots,have to do to be recognised and taken seriously.

Now back to the point of Coaches and actually COACHING our players.Are the players getting the good quality coaching that they need?Or are they simply being managed and guided by former All Black 'mentors'?The state of the game in NZ at the moment brings into question the Coaching,the ability to see weaknesses in players and correct them,devising of and changing of game plans,technical issues around set piece,ruck and maul,breakdowns etc.

Is this why there are so many other 'hangers on' in the huge entourage surrounding sides?Gone are the days of a Head Coach and an assistant Coach,a manager and a physio.Today we also have to add in the Trainer,Kicking Coach,defensive coach,attack coach,scrum coach,psychologist,media liason officer,biomechanist,muscle therapists etc etc

Its all rather confusing.

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